Оценки в школе (озвученный текст на английском)

   Todd: What about the idea that some people think that maybe there should be no grades? That there is just maybe you achieve or don't achieve. It's more binary. Either yes or no.

   Nydja: I don't really know how I feel about that. I went to a school when I was younger that actually didn't have ... everybody was just put together in a large room and different teachers worked with different students according to their abilities and there were no grades. As an adult now, I'm not really sure how I feel about that system. I wasn't there long enough to see what I could do with that environment. If it benefited me, or if it was to my detriment, so I really don't have an opinion on that.

   Todd: How about when you were younger, were you often stressed about your grades?

   Nydja: Yes. Yes, I was. I was very stressed. I used to stay up until three or four o'clock in the morning trying to complete projects. Studying all the time. I also did track, so I was very worried. You're in competition with your classmates because later on you have to go and get into college and then you have to get a job and it all starts in primary and secondary school, so it's important to do well there.

   Todd: So, you're very young but later in life with children, would you want your children to worry about grades, or would you want to be a parent that tell them "huh, not so much!"

   Nydja: No, they will definitely be... if I have children, they will definitely be concerned about the grades that they're earning, and I will not be easy on them in that regard at all. So, they have a lot coming to them.


   It's more binary. Binary refers to a system of only two. For example, yes and no make a binary system. On and off make a binary system. There is only one choice between two things.
   Notice the following:
1. Most computers are made of binary code using either one or zero.
Большинство компьютеров используют двоичный код, состоящий из единицы и нуля.
2. Baseball is very binary. You are either safe or out.
Бейсбол можно рассмотреть в бинарной системе. Ты или в "сэйфе" (англ. safe – ситуация, когда бегущий достиг базы раньше мяча и захватил её) или в "ауте" (англ. out – когда игрок нападения в данном периоде выведен из игры).

   It benefitted me. If something benefits someone or something, then they gain something because of it.
   Notice the following:
1. The trees benefitted from the rain.
Деревьям полезен дождь.
2. I benefitted from the long holiday.
Я извлёк пользу из долгих каникул.

   It was to my detriment. Detriment refers to something or some action that causes damage. Detriment is the opposite of benefit.
   Here are a few examples:
1. He continues to smoke to the detriment of his health.
Он продолжал курить, нанося вред своему здоровью.
2. Some people feel the process of learning suffers to the detriment of testing.
Некоторые люди считают, что процесс обучения страдает из-за тестирования.

be easy on
   I will not be easy on them. When someone is easy on another person, that means they are very kind and nice and careful not to be strict or hurt their feelings. The opposite of being easy on someone is being hard on them, or tough with them or strict with them.
   Study the examples below:
1. Please be easy on Bob today. He is feeling very sad.
Пожалуйста, будь тактичнее с Бобом сегодня. Он очень расстроен.
2. My coach was always easy with us after a loss, but tough with us after a win.
Мой тренер всегда вёл себя мягче с нами после поражения, но был суров после победы.

have a lot coming to them
   They have a lot coming to them. Here the phrase, 'have a lot coming to them' means that the recipient, or person being talked about will have a lot of accountability or judgement later on. They will be held to higher standards or judgement even though maybe they don't expect it. The phrase 'another thing coming to them' means the same thing.
   Notice the following:
1. If my students think I am a kind teacher, well, they have a lot coming to them.
Если мои студенты думают, что я добрый учитель, что же, им придётся потрудиться, чтобы удостовериться в этом.
2. You have a lot coming to you if you think I can forgive you for your actions.
Ты заблуждаешься, если думаешь, что я могу простить тебя за твои поступки.
