Garden in the clouds / Сад в облаках

   When there's no space for a garden, the only way is up.
   One Chinese doctor has built a rocky retreat on top of this Beijing block of flats .
   But his villa is now being dismantled after neighbours complained it was noisy and dangerous.
   Authorities say it was built illegally and have ordered its demolition.

Ключевые слова (определение на английском языке)

retreat – a private, safe place to get away from everyday life
block of flats – tall building divided into separate homes
villa – large house with a garden in the countryside or by the sea
dismantled – large house with a garden in the countryside or by the sea
demolition – destruction (of a building)


Вставьте слова в нужном месте (в правильной форме):

a) retreat
b) block of flats
c) villa
d) dismantled
e) demolition

   1. Two multi-storey ___ in Hull dating back to the 1960s have been demolished as part of planned improvements to a city estate.
   2. I noted that London had suffered a similar disregard for many of its architectural landmarks after the war. Covent Garden Market and the gothic magnificence of St Pancras Station were earmarked for ___ and only saved by a small band of passionate protestors.
   3. His appearance on Monday followed a two-month period of convalescence. He will now join the Queen at their summer ___ of Balmoral Castle in Aberdeenshire.
   4. But while he is gloomy about the future he is also a dreamer, and the centrepiece of his dream is a small ___ in the seaside suburb of La Goulette.
   5. The temporary Neolithic huts were completed and open to the public during the two May bank holidays. But last week the volunteers who built them began to ___ the reconstructed buildings.


1) b
2) e
3) a
4) c
5) d
