Can you help me? / Не могли бы вы мне помочь? – Follow Me! (3 серия)


Porter: Can I help you? Sir? Madam?
Mr Williams: Yes. Mr Williams.
Mrs Williams: And Mrs Williams.
Porter: Just a moment, please.
Yes, of course. Room 8. Can I take your luggage?
Mr Williams: Yes, please.

Can I... ?


Can I:
help you?
take your luggage?


Yes, please.
Just a moment, please.
Can you take this, please?


Porter: Can I take your luggage?
Mr Williams: Yes, please. Will you take that?
Porter: Yes, sir. Shall I take this?
Mr Williams: No. Don't take that, please.
Porter: Yes, sir. Would you follow me, please?

Will you take that? / Don't take that


Can I take your luggage?
Shall I take this?

Would you follow me, please?


Will you take that?
Don't (do not) take that.

Conversation. Can I... ?

A. Can I park here ?
B. No, you can't. Please, don't park here.

C. Can I help you.
D. No, thank you.

E. Can I come in?
F. Arthur, yes, of course.
E. Can I sit here?
F. Yes.

You can / You can't

You can park here.
You can't (cannot) park here.

You can go in here.
You can't go in here.

You can go out here.
You can't (cannot) go out here.
